Intensive Summer Courses (two weeks)

Monday-FridayJuly 1th-July 12th9.30-16.30€i.o,-70
Monday-FridayJuly 22th-August 2nd9.30-16.30€i.o,-70
Monday-FridayAugust 12th-August 23rd9.30-16.30€i.o,-70
  • Monday-Friday - July 1th-July 12th
    9.30-16.30 | €i.o,- | 70 Hours
  • Monday-Friday - July 22th-August 2nd
    9.30-16.30 | €i.o,- | 70 Hours
  • Monday-Friday - August 12th-August 23rd
    9.30-16.30 | €i.o,- | 70 Hours

We offer you the chance to learn the basics of Dutch in two weeks in summer. In a small group of two, three or four persons you will receive lessons for five hours a day and practice your Dutch during two hours of additional excursions and meals. 

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